Searching for Poon  尋找潘  traces my grandmother's steps from mainland China into Hong Kong, searching and imagining her past as she loses her memory.

2020 - Ongoing

“The ocean in your eyes, the City only you can reach – they no longer exist in my time and place.

 I thought you were swept into the ocean of oblivion. I dive in looking for you, only to realize you washed up on the other side of Memory, one step ahead of me."

Poon, my grandmother, cannot remember her past. 

I can only infer based on early memories of her and the stories my parents have told me.

Family photos left behind become objective clues of her life. I use them to search and trace her past, imagining her memories around the fragments of her life. The objective reality of her life and my remembrance converge, intertwining personal memories with broader histories of Hong Kong.

These images become doorways to imagining the past where the boundaries between memory, fiction, and reality are blurred.




舊公寓裡的手提箱,裝滿了近半個世紀的照片和信件。看妳留下的相片,讀妳寫下的文字,去妳去過的地方 — 他們或已在我的時空消逝無蹤,卻依舊暗藏於妳心底。


我望向妳的双眼 —— 故鄉的樣子似乎從未改變,這片天空也永不落日。我看見了年少的妳最熟悉的面孔,走過了妳和姊姊踩著單車的石子路,淋過了那個夏日午後意外的一場雨。妳遙望遠山,幻想著山的另一邊。






Fujifilm GFX Challenge Grant Program, 2021  

Hong Kong Arts Development Council Grant, 2023


Traces, Field Projects Gallery, New York, 30 April - 05 May, 2024

"Searching for Poon", November 04 - 24, 2022, GFX Challenge Grant Program 2021, Fujifilm Square, Tokyo 


Seaton Street Press, Printed Matter Art Book Fair 2024, 25 - 28 April

“Searching for Poon Book Launch”, HART Haus, Hong Kong, December 20 

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